Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Journey into a Dreamworld

Walt Disney World is said to be the happiest place on Earth. Although I am not there right now, it has made me the happiest person. On September 24, 2012 I applied for a the college program. I had the online interview that same day. I arranged the phone interview for the 26 of September. After the phone interview I was told I would hear from someone in about 2 weeks. 2 days later on September 28, I was accepted into the program. I was in disbelief because it had happened all so quickly. I remember reading "Congratulations" and I just started crying. I was so happy I did not know what to do with myself. I was accepted as Main Entrance Operations and was thrilled. I did want to try and get a role in the Entertainment field and planned on attending an audition.

The audition process, for me, was so intimidating. Apparently I did well because my role was changed to performer! The audition process begins with you waiting in a line to sign in. Your height is measured and then the waiting continues. When the Disney Reps. walk in they introduce themselves and give a brief summary of what will happen. A choreographer will teach one dance movement and you will perform in groups. After everyone has gone, they bring everyone back in and make the first cut. I was so proud of how I did, I knew I was going to stay. I was the only person singing along with "It's A Small World". After my number was called they have you fill out some paperwork. After everyone is done filling out their paper work, they teach you another movement. If you are not a dancer, this is so intimidation. I cannot dance to save my life. I smiled and turned when everyone else did - so that is my advice to anyone that is going to attend an audition. Along with the dancing, there is an animation portion between the 2 times the dances are to be done. Just be over the top no matter what they make you to. I was told to wash a dog and plant a tree. Just make the motions over the top and exaggerated - and always remember to smile. 

I auditioned October 13, 2012 and received an email about the role change on October 31. I was over joyed! I never imagined I would be chosen out of all the professional looking dancers to be a performer! Along with that, I never imagined I would be qualified to participate in the program. 

If you are considering applying to the program or auditioning, do it. You may not get into the program, but it's worth it just to apply or audition. So good luck to everyone out there! I will continue to post my journey on here!

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